Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The List

When I was in the LDS Young Womens program as a teenager, I'm pretty sure that I made a list of what I wanted in a future husband so that I could keep certain qualities in mind as I began to date and seek for that special someone to be with forever.

Now, I have begun mulling over a new list just in case I ever decide to seek for a new relationship in my life.  Here is what I have so far, in order of importance.

1.  Straight
2.  Completely and totally in favor of gay rights, including gay marriage, and okay with me being a gay-rights advocate.
3.  LDS would be good, or if not, LDS background with testimony, and if not, then Christian background with strong faith in God and Christ.
4.  Likes to cook.  Not sure I can live without this one.
5.  Good with kids.
6.  Likes yard work.
7.  Organized and motivated to keep things organized and working.
8.  Okay if he likes sports, but NOT a sports fanatic.
9.  Handy man with regards to computers and other household basics.
10. Good, stable employment, including benefits and retirement plan would be nice.

Hmm, I'm sure I could go on, but this is enough for now. I doubt this will be an easy search.


Scott said...

Let's see...

1. Nope (+0)
2. Yup! (+1)
3. Not sure where I fall on this--I guess the first option (LDS) doesn't specify activity level or level of belief, so I guess that's me... (+1)
4. Sometimes... (+0.5)
5. I don't know if I'm good with kids, but I don't think I'm terrible. (+0.5)
6. Ick. :) (+0)
7. Doesn't sound much like me. :) (+0)
8. Not a sports fan. Check. (+1)
9. I think so? (+1)
10. No benefits or retirement, so I guess this one's a fail. (+0)

So that's... 5 out of 10? Doesn't sound like I'm really what you're looking for. :)

Of course, I assume that:

0. Single

got left off on accident? :) So that (and the "1. Straight", of course) would disqualify me at the moment...

I think that we all (married or single) keep mental lists like this, and (if we're married) check to see how well our spouse measures up. Maybe I ought to make my own...

Sarah said...

Eek, Scott. Should I be scared that you are thinking of making a list? ;)